Meditation For Ecstasy


“For all happiness is in the mind.” – Yogi Bhajan.

Yoga mat and positive intentions at the ready, because it’s time to manifest some serious joyfulness, as the latest in our series of Kundalini videos is a real treat!

This blissful meditation focuses on raising ecstasy in the body to induce feelings of euphoric calm and peaceful bliss, perfect for a quick boost when you are feeling overwhelmed, down in the dumps or just fancy a healthy dose of fresh energy.

This meditation can be short or long, do it for the length of time that suits you. It couldn’t be easier to get the blood pumping and energy flowing as you work through this simple yet incredibly powerful meditative sequence.

Once you experience this blissfully recharging meditation, we guarantee you’ll be hooked! Check out the video below to practise with Claire…

Enjoy every minute of this gorgeous practise and take note of how your body and mind respond positively to dedicating this time to yourself.

Sat Nam x

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