I’m aware that this post isn’t exactly seasonal. However, sometimes all you want to do is curl up with a blanket, your dog and your favourite DVD box set. And nothing complements this scenario quite like a delicious and indulgent hot chocolate.
There is also that fact that this, admittedly, ‘wintery’ beverage will certainly be called for at some point over our British summertime, as what would an English summer be without a few rainy nights.
There are so many packet hot chocolates in the supermarkets. SO many. So why would you bother going to the effort of making your own? Well simples; first off, it’s really no effort at all and secondly, just a glance at the ingredients list of the powdered stuff should be enough to make you turn your nose up.
In addition to this, the ingredients at work in this recipe will make you feel so ridiculously good that there’s no danger of you missing the sugar and additive high you would have got from your shop bought packet.
Raw cacao powder is the star ingredient in this recipe and you can pick this up in Holland & Barrett or other health food stores (I get all my ‘super food’ powders from Amazon, lots more choice and you’ll save a fortune). Cacao is basically chocolate in its purest form before it’s had any treatment and it is SO good for you, which of course is amazing news. It’s jam packed full of magnesium and iron along with a ton of other minerals, it’s anti-inflammatory and can help protect your heart health, great for lowering blood pressure and is one of the greatest (edible) mood boosters going! You can read more about how raw chocolate is good for you on Andrea’s blog – Have your (chocolate) cake & eat it too…
Couple this with all the healthful properties of the other ingredients and you have yourself one delicious, powerhouse of a tonic, all in the form of a creamy, indulgent hot chocolate.
To make 2-3 generous mugfuls:
- 4 tbs cacao powder
- 1 tbs cinnamon
- 1 tbs maca powder
- 500ml organic almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
- 500ml boiling water
- 1 tsp coconut sugar
- (optional coconut cream and cacao to sprinkle)
Add all your ingredients to a blender and whiz for about 30 seconds (I hold a tea towel over the hole in my lid so I don’t redecorate the kitchen). There I told you…simples.
If you’re feeling ultra fancy or trying to impress, stir in some coconut cream and sprinkle with an extra dusting of cacao.
Another idea is to add some nut butter to make a decadent hot ‘Nutella’ drink.
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