Push the boat out…

On The Boat

I was lucky enough to be onboard the YachtPlus boat, Ocean Sapphire, last Monday for a special event with two of Australia’s top celebrity chefs, Gary Mehigan and Adrian Richardson.  Gary Mehigan is now a major personality in Australia for his lead role in Masterchef & Adrian Richardson is renowned for his part in Boys Weekend.

It was great to get to know them both – they are so friendly and laid back.  I discovered that Adrian is a real meat lover and has written a book called just that – Meat.  He’s also a passionate advocate of the provenance of one’s food and the ‘from farm to fork’ philosophy.   I had a fantastic time chatting about the benefits of grass-fed versus grain fed meat and ‘from nose to tail’ eating.

Gary & Adrian produced beautiful canapés and a delicious dinner for 20 people, plus Ben Edwards, from The Wine Guide, provided delightful Australian wine to accompany the meal.

So now I’m a real fan.



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