Born to be Wild


I happened to watch the BBC program ‘Country File’ the other day (28 Nov 10) in which they had a segment on salmon farming in Scotland.  It was all very interesting, but one small comment really caught my attention…  it was just a throw away comment by one of the fisheries representatives which said something along the lines:

It’s very expensive feeding the salmon with pellets made from fish protein, so we’re now using a cheaper option made from soy protein…

Oh no!  There goes farmed fish from the menu.  This is not just another example of soy getting into even more of the food chain, but as it’s now fish I think it’s even worse since we all think by eating more fish we’re increasing our intake of omega 3.  But now we’ll be eating fish which is being fed soy which is high omega 6 and hence totally flipping the natural omega 3- omega 6 ratio!

I don’t think we realise how potentially disastrous this may be…

Only wild salmon from now on…



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