Our Simple Decluttering Tips


Out with the old and in with the new…

This is the message we’re spreading this week as Claire tackles her house move and the upheaval that comes with it! Being confronted by box after box makes you realise just how much stuff we hold on to, including things that no longer serve us…

It’s easy to take little notice of your belongings and surroundings, which means we may not even realise just how much space is being consumed by clutter. But your personal space is waiting to be transformed into a streamlined, happy and energising environment, it just needs a bit of TLC. Listen to Claire’s take on decluttering..

Before you begin your decluttering mission,
here are some handy hints to get you started:
  1. With each item you come across, pick it up and ask yourself whether it brings you happiness. If the answer is no, then you’ve got to let it go!
  2. Ditch the guilt and get rid of the gifts that you have never used. Don’t keep them stuffed under the bed gathering dust, donate them and let somebody else enjoy and find use for them. This doesn’t make you ungrateful!
  3. Discard any clothes that don’t fit, don’t spark joy or are past their best. Sounds simple but it’s amazing what you might find in the back of your wardrobe..
  4. Set an intention for your decluttering. What are you wanting to gain from this process? That way, if you feel overwhelmed, you can keep coming back to your original intention to make your decisions easier.
  5. Once you have tackled your area, create a truly happy and loving space with what remains. This will help new energy to flow and inspire you to keep up the minimalistic, decluttered approach.

We hope you find these little hints useful and you can use them to go forth and free up some space, in your home and your mind. Once you make that difficult but all important start, you’ll be a fully-fledged ‘minimalist’ before you know it!



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