6 Top Tips for an Abundance Mindset

growth flourishing with nurturing

We often hear that mindset matters, but what does that really mean?

Positive thinking can help people find greater joy and meaning in their lives, even though it’s not a cure-all for all of life’s hardships. Thus, an abundance mindset can help contribute to a more abundant lifestyle.

An abundance mindset is a mindset that believes there are sufficient resources available for everyone.
In contrast, a scarcity mindset is characterised by feelings of competition and lack. It can stop us from reaching our goals. For example, someone else achieving an accomplishment might seem like a loss to you if you’re operating from a place of scarcity.

The terms “scarcity mindset” versus “abundance mindset” originally came from an extraordinarily popular book called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

Here are 6 tips for beginning the journey from a place of scarcity to one of abundance:

  • Practice mindfulness – It’s important to slow down, take a moment to notice things more deeply, and appreciate little things to help you keep track of your positive versus negative thoughts.
  • Create positive affirmations – Your mindfulness practice can cultivate abundance if you repeat certain words or phrases throughout your day-for example, ‘abundance,’ ‘positive,’ ‘enough,’ ‘optimism’. For more about the power of affirmations, click here…
  • Celebrate your wins – Abundance is closely related to gratitude. To make your brain recognise the abundance in your life, make a list of your accomplishments. For instance, if you write down all of your career’s brightest moments, you’ll be more likely to think that raises or promotions are possible. As soon as you start believing something is possible, you begin making it happen. Read more about the benefits of gratitude.
  • Notice and reframe scarcity-based thoughts – You have to consciously replace your scarcity-based thoughts with abundant thoughts until they become more natural to you.
  • Start journaling – By writing down your thoughts you can identify those that come from a place of scarcity and those that come from an abundance place. Daily journaling can thereby reveal areas in which you may be self-sabotaging.
  • Avoid unnecessary distractions – Developing an abundance mindset requires a present and clear mind. However, staying focused can be challenging in a world full of distractions and hardships. When the opportunity presents itself to simplify your life, don’t miss it.

We all have the ability to change the way we think and here are some examples of changing a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset:

  • ‘I’m not doing enough’ change to ‘I am worthy regardless of what I achieve’.
  • ‘Results need to come faster’ change to ‘I will arrive when it is the right time for me’.
  • ‘I’m always behind’ change to ‘This pace is exactly right for me now’.
  • ‘I don’t have enough time ’ change to ‘There is always enough time for me to do what I need to do’.

Start incorporating some of those top tips for an abundance mindset and notice the magic happen every day.



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