Don’t let the drizzly week fool you, we have made our way into July and here at Raw Horizons we’re keeping our fingers crossed for more sunny days out on the terrace and hoping we’ll soon be able to shed our Wellies!
Summer is a wonderful time of year, we all love it. It is, however, a tricky month to maintain your healthy habits. The routines you have in place to allow you to feel your best can often become a distant memory once the barbecue begins to sizzle.Whilst we must be open to summer spontaneity, it’s hard to feel your sparkly-self if you’re not also making time for your own wellbeing.
Now, we’re certainly not saying you should cancel your festival plans in favour of a weekend in the gym. No way! We’re here to help you stick to your goals and maintain your feel-good ritual in spite of the ever changing and hectic nature of the British summer..
Have a little listen to how Claire manages to stick with her healthy habits no matter what…
We hope these tips help you to carry on your momentum when life gets busy.
Be proud of yourself for having your goals and setting your intentions.
Now all that’s left to do is to meet them and we’re rooting for you every step of the way.
Go get ’em tiger!