Basic Spinal Energy Kriya


We all know how important it is to maintain a supple spine. However, many aspects of our day to day lives can hinder this quest for flexibility.

Slouching in your car or over a desk can be a nightmare for your back and your alignment, which is why it’s so important to give your spine a lot of attention and TLC to keep it happy and youthful.

If this is something you’ve been neglecting of late, we may have just the thing to help you show your spine 30 minutes of the love that it deserves…

Next time you have a spare half hour, roll out your yoga mat, click the video below and practise this wonderful and energising Kundalini kriya and feel your spine thank you for doing so…

This series works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. This means that each of your vertebrae receive stimulation and all of your chakras will receive a refreshing burst of energy. Win win!

Keep an eye out for more of our Kundalini yoga and meditation videos to practice along with at home and make sure you’re taking time to prioritise your wellbeing.

Enjoy this blissful kriya and have a magical weekend.

Sat Nam x

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