How to wear a cloth face mask safely

clothing face masks infographic

Face coverings will be compulsory on public transport in the UK from June 15. Plus a number of other countries suggest wearing them to help stay safe and prevent the spread of covid-19.

A fabric face covering is not the same as a surgical mask & it is important they are handled correctly.

A cloth face covering can be as simple as a scarf or bandana that ties behind the head. It should cover your mouth and nose while allowing you to breathe comfortably. Click here for how to make your own.

Here are the top tips for how to properly wear, take off and clean your fabric face mask:

  1. before putting on your mask always, always wash your hands with soap.
  2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth at all times
  3. Don’t ever take down or put on the mask by its front, or the part of the face covering that has been in contact with your mouth and nose – only hold the elastic onto/from your ears.
  4. Store used face coverings in a plastic bag until you can wash them.
  5. Always clean cloth masks in the washing machine with detergent on warmest water setting appropriate for the material.
  6. Dry them in the sun if possible or on hottest tumble dryer setting until completely dry. Use a hot iron to sanitize the mask before wearing if possible.
  7. If using simple disposable masks – wear a mask for maximum 3 hours, then throw it out.
  8. Always wash your hands after taking your mask off.
  9. Once removed, make sure you clean any surfaces the used face covering has touched.

Do your part to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Here are some more fabric face mask hygiene resources for you:
How to wear and make a cloth face covering:
How to Wash Cloth Face Coverings:
How to wear a fabric mask safely:
Staying safe outside your home – face coverings:

Please share these tips to help keep everyone safe. 🙏



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