Love & Kindness

Importance Of Kindness

“Love is the ultimate state of human being where compassion prevails and kindness rules.” – Yogi Bhajan.

When we see cruel acts and senseless violence carried out across the world, it can be easy to shy away from compassion and retreat inwards as you come to terms with the portrayal of humans being callous and dangerous beings, not to be trusted, liked or cared for, and certainly not to be loved .

It’s understandable that this can be a default reaction. Each time a tragedy happens and is played out on the news, in the papers and across social media, we can become more and more wary of one another and a distrust and contempt can breed quite quickly.

Right now more than ever, what the world & our communities needs is compassion, trust and kindness. The sheer power of human kindness should never be doubted. By offering gestures of kindness to friends, family and strangers alike, we can start to heal one another and bring more love into this planet.

Kindness really is contagious, and by spreading this goodness around, we can reject any cold, cruel and violent acts that we witness. We can lift one another up and create strong bonds of unity and peace, instead of hatred and fear.

If you do one thing this weekend, consciously spread kindness
around and watch it come right back to you.

And smile, for there is always a reason to do so. xxx

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