Have you noticed how time feels different in those days between Christmas and New Year?
There’s a peculiar magic to this period when the usual rhythms of life soften, and the world seems to pause, giving us permission to simply be.
I’ve always been fascinated by this unique pocket of time. Not just as a wellbeing coach and trainer, but as someone who deeply understands the power of these quiet moments. It’s as if the universe conspires to create a natural pause, a gentle invitation to reflect without the pressure that often comes with year-end contemplation.
You might be feeling it now, that strange suspension between what was and what might be.
Perhaps you’re relaxing with a cup of tea, watching the light play across your room, or maybe you’re enjoying the rare luxury of an unhurried morning. Whatever your situation, there’s something profound about this liminal space.
Yet here’s what I’ve noticed, we can resist this natural slowing down.
Have you caught yourself feeling guilty for not jumping straight into goal-setting?
Or perhaps you’re wondering if you should be more productive with this ‘free’ time?
Let’s pause there for a moment.
What if, instead of seeing this time as something to fill, we saw it as a gift? A natural space for gentle unfolding? An invitation to listen to what your inner wisdom might be whispering.
I’ve observed both in my own journey and in working with countless clients that our most meaningful insights often come not from forced reflection but from allowing ourselves to settle into the quiet. It’s in these in-between moments that we can hear ourselves most clearly.
Try this:
Instead of reaching for your phone or diving into planning mode, allow yourself to sit with simple questions:
– What moments this year felt like coming home to yourself?
– Where did you find unexpected joy?
– What sustained you through challenging times?
– Which small comforts became anchors in your daily life?
Notice I’m not asking about achievements or goals. Those have their place, but this particular time, this magical in-between, calls for a gentler kind of reflection.
I’ve learned that transformation doesn’t always come from pushing forward, which is somewhat ironic when coaching is about finding the way forward! Yet sometimes, it comes from the quiet spaces, from the gentle acknowledgement of where we are right now.
This liminal time we are in right now offers us exactly that: a natural pause in the rhythm of life, perfect for letting insights bubble up naturally rather than forcing them to surface.
Remember, there’s no rush to figure it all out. Let your reflections steep like a good cup of tea, some insights will rise to the surface quickly, others need more time to unfold.
Trust that what needs to emerge will do so in its own time.
As we navigate these unique days together, I invite you to embrace their strange magic. Let yourself rest in the in-between, knowing that this too is part of your journey toward wellbeing.
What gentle insights might be waiting for you in these quiet moments?
Find more inspiration for thoughtful end-of-year contemplation here…