It’s the last day of the year!
How are you honouring this past year? How are you welcoming in the New Year?
There can often be a big drive to celebrate a ‘certain’ way when it comes to New Year… going out, with friends, singing Auld Lang Syne, fireworks, drinking… all of which can be wonderful. However, if you have a moment in your busy schedule or you find yourself alone or with not much to do then I invite you to engage in a thought provoking End of Year Ritual.
Set the mood through your senses: light candles, spray or burn beautiful scents, play ambient music, wrap yourself in a gorgeous fabric and have something delicious to eat and/or drink.
Have to hand a journal and pen (or your computer) plus a scrap of paper.
Make sure you’re not disturbed and in your journal answer the following questions:
- What made me proud this year?
- What have I accomplished?
- Who have I connected with – someone new and/or deepened an existing relationship?
- What places have I visited and what did you feel/think/learn from being in that place?
- What amazing thing did I do for myself?
- How have I taken care of myself this last year?
- Anything else positive you would like to record in your journal from this last year?
Breathe 3 deep breaths…
The invitation is to now free write on your scrap of paper all the things which haven’t worked for you this year. All the trauma, disappointments, arguments, frustrations, things which haven’t worked out how you expected etc. Don’t edit. This is your ‘shit list’
When I ran retreats we used to have a fire pit ceremony, weather permitting, to release all the ‘stuff’ which had been piling upon us and impacted our lives. We wrote out our ‘shit list’, we screamed, tapped and/or moved our bodies, we then threw our shit list into the fire and watched the baggage of our life burn. It’s a beautifully symbolic act. If the weather wasn’t so good we did it inside and cut up our ‘shit list’ with a pair of scissors… into such small pieces there was no way it could be put back together. I therefore, encourage you to safely burn your ‘shit list’ or cut it up into small pieces.
Breath 3 deep breaths…
Feel the spaciousness created in your body and mind from releasing that which hasn’t been so useful this past year. Then honour what has gone well, honour what you have learnt about yourself… breathe all of that into your being.
The New Year
Grab your journal and start to write out what you wish to manifest for this coming year.
And with that I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and that all your dreams start to come into your reality.
Thank you for being a very valued member of this community. Thank you for who you are and all that you do!
Image by Paul Stachowiak from Pixabay