Christmas – A Reality Check

Relax on Christmas

It may feel like it gets earlier each year but the festive season is officially upon us!

Christmas lights are twinkling in the streets and warm mugs of mulled wine are appearing in our hands (who put that there?!) as we start to make plans for parties and gatherings and long overdue catch ups. It’s a time for socialising, fun and merriment. But what happens when you set your Christmas expectations too high?

As fun as this time of year is, it comes with a unique sort of pressure. Trying to squeeze everything and everyone in over a short period of time, all whilst remaining upbeat, sprightly, and having non-stop fun isn’t always realistic. Paperwork needs to be filed, deadlines need to be met, the shopping won’t do itself, all of these every day tasks come creeping in to remind you that the real world is still very much there.

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and exhausted and it’s certainly okay to miss one of the many Christmas parties if you need a night off. This time of year is fun and exciting but it can also be tiring and draining as you try to keep up with new and existing commitments.

Chances are, your Christmas period probably won’t be endless glamour and that’s okay too. Make your festive expectations realistic, that way you can enjoy the fun of the crazy season without the excess pressure. Remember, perfect doesn’t exist. Here’s Claire to pass on some Christmas wisdom…

So instead of crumbling under the pressure of the picture perfect December, go easy on yourself. Take care of you and take time out when you need it. Enjoy the glitz and the glam and the parties, but remember to enjoy the down time too.

We’ll be popping up in your inbox throughout December with some wise words to help you survive this hectic season, so keep your eyes peeled.

The holidays are coming…



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