A Breathwork Bonanza

Breathwork Meditation

You may or may not know… that I am passionate about the breath. Which in some ways can seem a strange thing for we breathe all the time. But this is the very reason I do get excited about the breath… we all breathe and it doesn’t involve anything fancy other than taking a moment to notice.

In fact… PAUSE… and right now notice your breath. Notice how you breathe. Notice if your breath is quick, slow, what parts of your body move, the temperature of your breath.

In that one moment of noticing you have allowed yourself a moment of tranquility. A moment away from all the busyness of life, the thoughts, the doing, the worries, the what ifs and if onlys. Yes, really a moment noticing your breath can give you all of that!

So what if we spent longer with our breath? What would the benefits then be? A greater sense of tranquility? Connection to self? Awareness of how you really are? An increase in wellbeing?

Well yes! And more.

Which is why I am such an advocate for the breath. For it can give us so much. Especially when we realise that breathing is something we do automatically yet is something we can control. We can use our breath for our wellbeing.

So with that in mind, I offer you some FREE breathwork options to enjoy:

1. Calming Our Digestion – Breathwork Meditation

Each week for around 30 minutes I guide a breath sequence within The Curious Club and I would love for you to experience such a breath routine, therefore, please enjoy the sequence below that I put together on Calming Our Digestion. This is a great series to do if you get anxious or stressed or fearful or worried, for our emotions affect our digestion and in turn affect our breath. So we can use the breath intentionally to bring calm into the body. See this as a form of meditation, a moment out of your time to focus on you.

This is what we call a Breath Sequence Routine and something that I am hugely passionate about, in how do we use the breath for different outcomes. If we think of yoga teachers they sequence moves together for a desired benefit for the participants. As we can breath in a number of different ways there are then infinite ways to put them together in a sequence for enabling various benefits.

Much like we move our body in sequence during a yoga class to stay fit, flexible, to find harmony then a breath sequence is time we commit to keeping ourselves fit, flexible and in harmony on an emotional, mental, spiritual and also the physical. For the breath reaches all aspects of our being. It is a fabulous wellbeing tool!


2. The Evolution of New Beginnings – Conscious Connected Breathwork

As we are now moving into September with the ‘back to school’ energy ushering in a new year start, then I invite you to a conscious connected breathwork with the theme: The Evolution of New Beginnings. Here we explore the possibilities for you in relation to the rest of the year and beyond.

This is a free breathwork on September 8th at 8.30pm (UK time) in conjunction with Breathing Space, the breathwork school I am a teacher with. If you have ever been curious about what conscious connected breath is about then please do come and join me.

3. EveryBODY Breaths: Which Body Breathes You? – Free 5-day Breath Training

Within wellbeing we often talk about a holistic way of taking care of self through the 5 different bodies – energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. These 5 bodies can relate to the 5 elements – fire, earth, air, water and space. Each one has an impact into how we relate to ourselves and our environment and each one can be explored through the lens of the breath.

If this sounds intriguing to you, then I invite you to join me in conjunction with Beyond the Breath, for a free 5 day breath training EveryBODY Breaths: Which Body Breathes You? on 12th – 16th September.

Places are limited, so please Click Here to register.

It would be lovely to see you in one of my free offerings around the breath and to hear how you found it.

How Else Do I Work With the Breath:

The Curious Club
Each week there is a new breath sequence routine plus pranayama in our weekly kundalini yoga class and twice a month there is a therapeutic conscious connected breathwork which relates to the theme of the month.

Wellbeing Coach Training
One of the modules we learn about is meditation and the breath and how as wellbeing coaches we can use them to help individuals who are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and need practical techniques to help them.

Beyond the Breath Breathwork Training
If you feel called to offer this exciting modality to add richness to your current wellbeing practice then this course takes you on a deep dive transformational journey. Not only do you learn all about how to facilitate others with their breath but you go on a wonderful evolution of your own.

I look forward to having you join me.


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