Meditation – Back to Basics…


“Everything in life goes back to the basics.” – Kron Gracie.

Do you like the idea of meditation but feel a little overwhelmed to get started? Maybe you think your mind is simply too cluttered and busy to take the time to look inward?

The truth of the matter is that meditation is universal. It works for everyone. Yes you read that right, EVERYONE! We can all benefit from a regular practice but getting started can be daunting, which is why we’re taking things back to basics and sharing this lovely, simple technique with you today.

Whilst this technique is especially useful to those who are new to meditation, it really is helpful for us all to keep it simple from time to time. Even the most advanced yogi’s and those with plenty of meditation hours logged can benefit from taking things well and truly back to basics.

Master the basics and keep your eyes peeled for more meditation videos from us in the coming weeks, if you can’t wait that long, head over to YouTube where we have various energising, uplifting and stress-busting practises for you.

‘Keep it simple’ is your motto this coming week and try to implement a daily meditation practice. Your mind, body and energy will thank you for it…

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