As the seasons are starting to change, it’s all change here at Raw Horizons Retreat too..
You may have noticed from our website that we have made a few adjustments to our signature wellbeing retreats. But not to worry, these changes are only going to make the programmes bigger and better and will have you planning visit after visit.
We would like to introduce you to (..drum roll please..) the Healthily Happy Retreat! The place to rest, reflect and refocus on what makes you happy and healthy.
The new retreat programme allows Dr Maguire to incorporate aspects from each of her old retreats into one enlightening and fun experience. This makes the retreat experience even more accessible for everyone, whether you are just setting out on your journey to health and happiness, or you are already feeling perfectly healthy and perfectly happy. This retreat provides a unique experience to really allow you to take time to reconnect with yourself and totally unwind, cleanse and rejuvenate your body and mind.
Sounds great doesn’t it? We are very much staying true to the Raw Horizons roots with Kundalini yoga sessions and meditations, much-loved by Claire and our guests alike and wonderful for getting you moving and in tune with your body. We are also still serving our delicious gourmet raw food on the retreat, allowing you to gently detox and reboot if you’ve found yourself making some ‘not-as-good-as-they-could-be’ choices food wise. We love surprising our guests with the endless, beautiful dishes and treats that can be easily created with healthy, simple ingredients!
There will be plenty of workshops and activities taking place throughout Healthily Happy, with many addressing the major questions that arise in a woman’s life: how to take care of your needs, how to be more confident with yourself, how to eat well, how to take time out, discover what you want out of life, how to build better relationships and more.
These are areas which naturally trigger a lot of soul searching, so rest assured you will be taken care of and guided towards what you need to discover about yourself and the steps forward, so you can create a positive change to your current situation. There will be lots of joy and fun to be found through these activities of self-discovery and you are bound to find yourself amongst other fabulous and like-minded women.
We’re really excited about this new retreat and can’t wait to share it with you all.
The dates and prices are up on the website ready to for you to join us.
Kicking off at the beginning of October, Healthily Happy really does have something for everyone, so what are you waiting for?
It’s time to get excited about the way you wish to feel…