Graduate Showcase: Deborah Dolby – Wellbeing Life Coach


Meet Deborah Dolby – A Wellbeing Life Coach, driven by a desire to grow and live a life of potential.

In her fifties, feeling more alive than ever, Deborah shares her personal growth story that began from a point of overwhelm. Despite running two successful businesses, teaching and living in her dream home she felt like a hamster on a wheel.

In the past, Deborah focused on seeking external validation and approval, driven by fear of rejection and a sense of inadequacy. Despite having a positive mindset, she acknowledged that she was neglecting her own emotions in this pursuit.

Her wellbeing, she thought, was tied to posh holidays and spa retreats. However, on exploring her inner world, loosening her grip on control and learning how to be of service without sacrificing herself, her journey led her here, to Raw Horizons, a transformative experience that felt like a perfect fit.

Today, Deborah’s life is still filled with success, but it’s no longer about relentless searching. Instead, she trusts her own pace, enjoys unconditional happiness, and celebrates progress. She attributes her personal growth to every painful step, understanding they all served valuable lessons.

Deborah’s advice to others is simple yet profound: “Seek to understand yourself rather than shout to be understood by others. Everything is within you.” Now, as a Wellbeing Coach, she helps others navigate their journeys, embracing the notion that ‘you have everything you need.’

Discover more about Deborah, & what she has to offer, here…



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