I caught an advert on TV this evening by Flora margarine. The whole ad was that their margarine was high in omega-6 and good for the heart. It’s no wonder everyone is confused, when we’re also continuously told to increase our omega-3 intake. Are we supposed to eat more omega 3 or omega 6? Or perhaps we just eat more of both as that should keep everyone happy – shouldn’t it?
NO – don’t do it…
After my research on omega 3 vs omega 6 ratios (see ‘Providence of Provenance’ & ‘Not too much, not too little, but just right’ for more detail) it’s obvious that we’re already eating far too much omega-6! And high omega-6 is inflammatory by nature, so not very healthy for the heart…
It seems that I’ve got something against Flora margarine. I hope they don’t take it personally as I really don’t like ANY margarine!
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