It’s now the start of our weekend to investigate the organic shops around town, and where am I? I’m soaking in chemicals and bleach – not very healthy or holistic! Actually I’m sitting in the hair dressers waiting for my highlights to slowly bleach my hair.
My hair dresser handed me the bleach and told me to mix (he works on his own). I had forgotten how strong the ammonia is in these products – it almost knocks you out, unless you hold your breath. Now that can’t be good for you!
There must be a better way to colour one’s hair and keep yourself beautiful, plus healthy at the same time. On questioning my hairdresser he mentioned that the big brands were now starting to bring out hair colours without ammonia in them – actually I seem to recall my salon in London had just changed to these products. He also seemed sceptical of the large brands, saying that unless there was something in it for them why should they bother? I think that’s a common comment to all large companies! The other thing he mentioned is Hair Analysis – though I’m not convinced and need to research that topic…
I remember as a child my mother handing me a jug of warm chamomile tea to rinse my hair with after washing my hair. This was supposed to make blonde hair lighter. I also recall a school friend trying lemon juice and sunshine! So perhaps these are natural methods I need to research in more detail?
The other old fashioned method of becoming a blonde is, of course, Hydrogen Peroxide. We all remember the Peroxide Blonde syndrome! As hydrogen peroxide is considered to be an organic method for disinfecting the kitchen and for washing fruit and veg, then I would assume it would be considered okay for hair bleaching too. Add this to my list of topics to investigate…
As I now have a couple of months until I next need to go to the hair dresser, I have until then to research all this in more detail – stay tuned…