Dr Claire Maguire

Dr Claire Maguire - Health and Wellbeing Coach - Founder & Trainer

Dr Claire Maguire, is the UK’s leading wellbeing coach who inspires people from around the world to live the life they really desire.

She is passionate about coaching and the benefits that can be derived from it. With her emphasis on Wellbeing Coaching, Dr Maguire specialises in training a select number of health and wellbeing coach graduates of exceptional quality in this rapidly growing and exciting field.

Using holistic techniques that she used to regain her own self-worth, re-set her goals and recreate a positive body image after her trauma with breast cancer, she developed her own in-depth proprietary program for wellbeing coaching.

Claire is leading by example, with her successful private wellbeing coaching practice and her wellbeing workshops. Plus she created the renowned wellbeing retreat centre, Raw Horizons Wellbeing Retreats, which was the UK's leading venue for self-development style retreat experiences for many years.

With a PhD in medical biochemistry followed by working in top universities as a researcher, Dr Maguire uses her analytical mind to laser in and get results whilst her experience as a prominent health food chef utilises her creative mind to evoke fun, laughter and out of the box thinking to create lasting change.

By setting up and running various online wellbeing programmes, founding her own private coaching practice plus establishing Raw Horizons Wellbeing Retreat as the UK’s leading personal transformation retreat centre, she also has direct personal experience with business start-ups. Claire has in-depth experience of business branding, marketing and establishing a niche, plus the skills and knowledge of how to develop, package and sell coaching programs.


Dr Maguire has been a Wellbeing Coach since 2008. Claire founded Raw Horizons Wellbeing Retreats in 2011 and has been running successful self-development programmes and transformational retreats since then.

This includes various format structures such as in-person, live online (such as Zoom meetings), extended hybrid style programmes and self-paced online courses - all embodying self-care, self-worth and personal transformation for long-lasting change.

With a PhD in medical biochemistry from Imperial College, London, followed by research in top universities, Claire has an inherent interest and understanding in the science behind how the body and mind work.

She has since trained and learned from outstanding world-class coaches such as Gabrielle Bernstein, Judymay Murphy, Karen Knowler, Tony Robbins and Dr Sarah McKay to learn extensively about wellbeing and lifestyle, how the mind works and achievement.

Her experience started in food relationship coaching, helping people understand how food effects emotional and physical health. This expanded to cover life coaching as she discovered when people present with an issue regarding food, it addresses all areas of life. This led to health and wellbeing coaching, by developing and using techniques to combat stress, gain confidence and uncover a passion for life.

Dr Maguire's coaching approach is holistic coaching, vision coaching and solution-focused coaching. She sees the client as a whole so all issues are addressed. She anchors into the vision with the understanding that focusing on the outcome desired can erase self-doubt and drive motivation.

Claire specialises in linguistics and the power of the words, plus mindfulness, food relationship, stress management, self-worth, self-expression and holistic wellbeing.

Her own health challenges with breast cancer and overcoming the trauma have reinforced in her the upmost importance of our own self-worth, health and positive body image. This is what drives her to inspire other people to live the life they desire.

Claire has reached out to thousands of people with her engaging talks, successful retreat programs, popular workshops and her private coaching practice.

She is a published author (you can read more about her books here) and has received significant acclaim in the national press. She also blogs about life, food, self-care and healthy food recipes.

Dr Maguire is also a certified Kundalini yoga teacher, chakra dance practitioner plus qualified meditation and breathwork facilitator and trainer.

For Claire, learning never stops and she is always expanding her expertise and skill set to ensure her clients and students receive the best knowledge available.

'I spent 40 years in therapy trying to solve the wrong problem. Thank you Claire for this life changing experience. So much has changed in my thinking & beliefs.' Cathy H.