Course Content
Sleep Well Coach Training
About Lesson

We need to acknowledge that a woman’s menstruation cycle can have an impact upon sleep. The hormone progesterone has sleep promoting qualities so when progesterone is high after ovulation a woman can feel sleepier. Women can often report having sleep difficulties during the first 4 days of their period when progesterone and oestrogen are low. It is also worth noting that pre-menstrual and menstrual symptoms such as tender breasts, headaches, bloating, cramps, pain and anxiety can impact upon the ability to sleep well.

The symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause due to hormonal changes can have a huge impact upon being able to sleep well. 

We don’t need to be experts in hormonal help to understand the impact hormones can have upon sleep. We need to acknowledge, validate and reassure. You may wish to explore the possibility of your client having a discussion with their physician about HRT if menopause symptoms are particularly disruptive. There are also natural options you client may wish to explore and they could do that with a naturopath. 

What to Ask Your Client

  • Ask your client to track their cycle and sleep to see if there is a correlation.
  • What impact is peri-menopause/menopause having on their sleep?
  • Are they happy to explore their hormonal symptoms with you and the impact upon sleep?
  • How can they be kinder to themselves and take more rest or time out as needed?

I would love to hear of anyones experience with sleep and hormones, especially menopause.