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Sleep Well Coach Training
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To snooze or not snooze is an interesting question to explore.

Many people may be insistent that you must get up the moment your alarm clock goes off but is this always necessary?

If we think about hitting the snooze button and falling back asleep to be woken again 10 minutes later then we could argue against hitting snooze. The reason being we’re not getting a full cycle of sleep so it’s not a nourishing sleep that you will get in the snooze time and if you keep repeating this you’re not going to feel good. It can also be worth exploring whether your client getting enough sleep if they are constantly falling back asleep after hitting snooze? Do they need to go to bed earlier?

On the other hand if you know you are getting enough sleep and you wake up feeling nourished, there can be something beautiful in the lucid state of neither being asleep nor awake to prime the day, or visualise your dreams and goals, or enjoy the cosiness of your bed, or the sanctuary of your bedroom. If your client enjoys the languishing approach to the day and not feeling the rush of the day, you will need to think about this when building up the bedtime routine and time to go to bed the night before. We need to ensure we are not taking this languishing time from time needed to sleep.

You can also ask your client to think of words they want to describe the start of the day eg. ease, grace, flow and what would you need to do to create that.