Course Content
Sleep Well Coach Training
About Lesson

The body can be stiff from sleeping through the night. It is, therefore, a great idea to do some gently stretches in the morning to wake the body up and shake off the drowsiness of sleep.

Stretches can be done in bed and can be very straight forward:

  • Lifting arms overhead and stretching them away from the body.
  • Pointing the toes away from the body and back towards the body.
  • Rotating the ankles and wrists.
  • Stretching the arms out to the side and gently arching the back away from the bed.
  • Bending the knees up and moving them to one side seeing if the knees can reach the bed then twisting them over to the other side.
  • With knees bent, lift the hips and pelvis off the bed as high as possible, then gently lower the spine back onto the bed.
  • Lift up one arm and bend at the elbow and with the other hand push on the elbow. You can move the arm back and forth which can release the shoulder.
  • Gently rotate the head, or move side to side and up and down.
  • Have a wriggle and feel the body wake up.

When you get out of bed, you can then shake the body to wake it up.