The thoughts we have constantly whirring away in our mind can either prevent us from falling asleep or going back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night. These thoughts can spiral into a multitude of I should have done this, not done that, need to do this, why did I say that and so on!
Sleep anxiety is a fear about not being able to sleep. With worries about not being able to fall asleep or waking up in the night and not getting back to sleep and not getting enough sleep so being constantly tired. It can become a self perpetuating cycle as the anxiety and stress causes you not to sleep and then you get anxious about not sleeping creating more stress making it difficult to sleep and on it goes.
Our stress response (fight or flight) is not inducive to great sleep! When we are stressed, adrenaline and cortisol levels start to increase to prepare the body to move to either fight or flee the danger. This, however, gets the body into arousal and alertness rather than sleepiness. Cortisol is naturally high in the morning to help arouse us out of our slumber and get on with the day, however, if we are stressed throughout the day cortisol stays high and interferes with melatonin production having a knock on effect of difficulty sleeping.
We therefore need to manage our stress and anxieties so we can move into a softening energy and relaxation to induce good sleep.
What to Ask Your Client
- What thoughts are keeping you awake?
- Do you wake in the night with your mind in overdrive?
- Are you worried about not sleeping well and how does that impact on your sleep?
- Can you keep a diary to journal what thoughts and feelings are making you anxious?
- What physical symptoms do you notice eg racing heart, feeling sweaty, short of breath, lack of concentration, upset stomach?
- Can we explore the negative connotations you have around sleep and challenge them as not true?
- Are you going through a particular stressful time at work/home?
- Are you willing to find ways to help relax you?