When we sleep the muscles in the back of the throat loosen and narrow the airway, the air we breathe in and out vibrates the loosened muscle tissue and caused the snoring noise.
Causes of Snoring
- Weight gain
- Alcohol
- Sedatives
- Chronic nasal congestion
- Large tonsils, tongue, or soft palate
- Deviated septum or nasal polyps
- Jaw that is small or set back
- Sleep position
- Pregnancy
Snoring isn’t considered a health concern unless it’s due to sleep apnoea. However, snoring can affect the quality of sleep if the snoring wakes the person up many times during the night without realising (micro-awakenings) causing fatigue the next day. Snoring can also cause discomfort with a dry sore throat upon waking and possibly headaches.
Snoring can be an issue with a partner by creating a sleep disturbance. This leads not only to a lack of sleep but also can be a contributor to relationship issues.
How to Stop Snoring?
- Maintaining a healthy weight could help
- Limiting alcohol and sedatives
- Adjusting sleep position so not sleeping on the back which can make snoring worse.
- Raising the pillows so the head is higher than the body.
- Reducing nasal congestion with sprays or nasal strips.
- Anti-snoring mouthpiece are available which could help.
- Mouth exercises to strengthen the mouth, tongue and throat.
- Mouth taping to encourage breathing through the nose.
None of the above are a guarantee to stop snoring but may help to reduce it.