The GROW model, developed by Sir John Whitmore, is a classic coaching model.
It stands for:
G = Goal this is the big vision, the small steps and goals to get you the result you desire.
R = Reality this is the current reality you find yourself in, your patterns, habits, behaviours, thoughts, fears, worries, anxieties, attitude and what is/isn’t working for you. It is also the reality of the goal that has been set for example does the goal fit is with your current reality and priorities.
O = Options what can you do to change? There are many possibilities and no requirement at this stage to commit to anything.
W = Way Forward (or will) what are you going to commit to and be accountable to? It is in the commitment to a new habit, thought, behaviour that change will occur.
The GROW model is not an absolute must for coaching, it is an option for you to use with setting up a session(s) with your clients.