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Whilst many people claim an alcoholic drink will relax them, it’s counterproductive to sleep (see the ‘Sleep Disturbances: Alcohol’ section). Instead try:
- Herbal Teas such as chamomile which contains a natural mild tranquilliser apigenin, valerian which contains the naturally occurring sedatives valepotriates and sesquiterpenes, lemon balm which can help reduce anxiety, lavender, passionflower and magnolia bark. There are also many herbal teas which are a mixture of herbs and sold as sleep teas. Perhaps your client could embark on a taste experiment to see which one they like best and also if it helps them sleep.
- Warm Milk is a classic bedtime drink. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid, which converts to serotonin which helps regulate sleep.
- Tart Cherry Juice contains melatonin, which helps regulate sleep. Cherry juice can be drunk on its own or mixed with sparkling water for a refreshing drink. It’s best to opt for a tart cherry juice that doesn’t contain sugar
- Kava Tea is from a plant from the South Pacific which has a history of helping people to relax and can help anxiety, stress and insomnia. Kava can interact with certain medications so if your client is on medication it’s best for them to check with their doctor before taking Kava tea.
Having a Nighttime Drink Helps with the Following Sleep Disturbances:
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Stress