Course Content
Sleep Well Coach Training
About Lesson

Being a new parent is exhausting and fraught often with lack of sleep leaving many parents seriously sleep deprived.

How then can we help someone get into routines and wind-down hours when babies disrupt them?
  • Firstly, remove any MUSTs or SHOULDs as in “I must do this…, I should do that…” all that does is place unnecessary pressure and/or guilt upon an already burdened parent. 
  • If possible take a nap when the baby does, which isn’t always possible if there are other children to tend to or work to do. 
  • Lower standards and accept the house is going to be messier than usual or get help with the chores.
  • Sharing night time duties if possible.
  • Having the baby’s cot nearby or co-sleep.
  • Not falling into revenge procrastination… where you put off going to bed early as you don’t think it’s fair that you’ve had no time to yourself. Accept that you need sleep more than time to self.
  • Create boundaries of what you will do or won’t do, where you go or don’t and who you want to be with or not.
  • Practise good sleep hygiene.
  • Look after yourself and be gentle and kind.

If you do have a client that is struggling as a new parent and lack of sleep, suggest they reach out to parent support groups and/or their medical practitioner.