About Lesson
The morning can be a lovely time to journal especially when we are in a lucid state of neither being awake nor asleep. In this lucid state we can have greater access to the subconscious and consequently get an answer to a problem, have more divergent thinking and be more creative.
Another idea is to keep a dream journal to document your dreams and perhaps see patterns and gain insight with dream analysis.
You can journal how you want to be today, much like priming the day and you can use journal prompts to be more in charge of the day:
- This is what I am going to do today
- This is how I am going to be today
- This is how I am going to show up for myself today
- This is what I am going to do for myself today
- This is how I am going to be with other people today.
There are many ways to journal, what ideas do you have around journalling as part of a morning routine?