Course Content
Sleep Well Coach Training
About Lesson

Do remember that when we explore possibilities and options (to help sleep) to NOT overwhelm your client with having to do everything at once. We are looking at habits and behaviour change which can take time. 

Ultimately we are working with behaviour change and that is making change to improve sleep and underneath that is habits. We pick up habits to help us cope with situations and they may well have worked at the beginning but now are not beneficial. Therefore, we need to set up new cues and new ways of doing things to help with our sleep. 

Let your client become aware of cause and effect of the actions and patterns they are or aren’t taking. 

Always work with your client as to what they are willing to do and keep them accountable by asking what obstacles have got in the way (physically, mentally and emotionally), what has worked and what new option they are going to implement into their sleep hygiene plan.