Course Content
Sleep Well Coach Training
About Lesson

Some people are huge advocates of exercise first thing in the morning as it gets the body moving to make you feel more energised and ready for the day. Exercise first thing can also be a way of ensuring you actually do it.

However, other people feel it’s too much to exercise in the morning as they feel to exhausted to move.

If they do feel too tired upon waking check in to see if they have sleep inertia:

Sleep inertia refers to the transitional state between sleep and wakefulness, marked by impaired performance, reduced vigilance, and a desire to return to sleep. The intensity and duration of sleep inertia varies based on situational factors, but its effects may last minutes to several hours.

The body can be cold and stiff when we wake up so it can help to stretch upon waking.

Walking is always beneficial and if done in the morning we can also get light exposure into the eyes.

Another reason people might not want to exercise in the morning is that there is not enough time ie: there are other things to do each morning so to add exercise means they would have to get up earlier. This would then impact the going to bed time if they were to keep to their required number of hours of sleep.

Note that exercise in the morning doesn’t have to be a full workout, it could be a few squats, press ups etc.