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Sleep Well Coach Training
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As a general rule it is advised against keeping electronic devices such as TVs, computers, gaming consoles and smartphones in the bedroom. 

However, many people can have a great attachment to these devices and will say they are helpful and conducive to them falling asleep, they have made it a part of their routine. Enquire with your client as to their thoughts around electronic devices. 

The reason why such devices are not the best idea is two-fold:

  1. They emit blue light which can interfere with bodies production of melatonin and increase the level of cortisol in the body with the consequence the body is primed to be awake rather than asleep.
  2. There can be a blurring of a bedtime as the client watches “Just one more show”; plays on their game for longer; scrolling through social media mindlessly without realising the time; replying to emails that pop in as their notifications are switched on; searching the internet for an answer to a random thought which has popped into their head. 

If your client is reluctant or adamant they won’t remove electronic devices then suggest:

  1. Using blue light blocking glasses to minimise the effect of the blue light on hormone production or you can set your computer/smart phone to a night shift option which automatically shifts the colours of the display to a warmer end of the colour spectrum after dark (or a time which is manually scheduled).
  2. Ensuring they keep a non-negotiable time when they switch off all devices.

Note: If they have a partner with whom they share the bedroom and although your client may be willing to remove electronic devices but their partner won’t, then suggest ear plugs or headband style earphones to listen to relaxation music (or other types of sound – see the ‘Noise’ lesson for suggestions); eye mask or more dr