Course Content
Sleep Well Coach Training
About Lesson

A chronotype is a natural tendency to be awake or asleep at certain times. I am sure we have heard of night owls and early lark, these are examples of chronotypes. They are also referred to as eveningness where someone has a delayed sleep period being most active and alert in the evening and morningness where someone has advanced sleep period being most active and alert in the morning. 

There can be a change in our chronotype throughout our lives with younger children and older adults leaning more towards morningness and teenagers being a prime example of eveningness.

If you would like to see what chronotype you or your client fit into you can try the morningness/eveningness questionairre

It can be hard for people who are on an extreme end of the chronotype (the majority of people are in the middle and referred to as intermediate) as a typical work/school day fits into a 9-5 mould which may not be suitable for the extreme chronotypes. The best a person can do is work within the parameters of chronotype and slowly shift routines and bedtime/wake time to accommodate responsibilities.